I liked it. Definitely not my favorite John Green but it was enjoyable. There was a little too much fiction in that I couldn't believe it- not like in FIOS or Looking for Alaska. Margo was impossible
But I LOVED the deep stuff in this one. The paper towns, the mirrors vs. windows, the Whitman poetry- It was great.
"Nothing happens like you imagine it will. But if you don't imagine, nothing happens at all"
"All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the paper convenience store. Everyone demented with the mania of owing things. All the things paper-thin and paper frail. And all the people, too. I've lived here for 18 years and I have never once come across anyone who cars about anything that matters."
"What a treacherous thing to believe a person is more than a person"
"It's so hard to leave- until you leave. And then its the easiest [gosh dang] thing in the world"
"As far as I can tell, there are two basic (kissing) rules: 1. Don't bite anything without permission 2. The human tongue is like wasabi: it's very powerful, and should be used sparingly"
"She was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl"
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