Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Chipmunk Cheek Saga Continues

I WANT MY FACE BACK. Work yesterday was fine but I got super dizzy and kind of nauseous and may or may not have fallen asleep in the back room...? Alright work was kind of a fiasco. But it was a super slow night so that was good. I came home and watched some How I Met Your Mother. Pretty much was dying laughing. Elisabeth is totally Barney- stupid, weird, socially unacceptable yet somehow gets laid all the time. Also is always finding something adventurous to do, even if its totally ridiculous. I think I am sorta like Robin and Ted. Not one of them, both. Ted is romantic and quirky but Robin is independent. Jk I have no idea. After that I watched Bones and it happened to be the Christmas episode and I totally cried. WHILE WATCHING BONES. Who am I?? I totally teared up! I again blame this on the medication but this is getting out of hand. There was a really cute little kid though and so that's like, not fair, or something.
This morning I did NOT get to sleep in until kingdom come, Mom woke me up at 8 and made me eggs. So I guess I was ok with the lack of kingdom come. I came down and my parents and I had this 'talk' about my life for the next two years. First of all they are afraid I will have too much time on my hands next semester because realistically I probably wont be able to find another job in time. And then this summer I will go to school and then I will go to fall semester of school and then I will go on a mission. (or more school) Anyway their solution to the too-much-time-on-Holly's-hands is for me to take classes at MCC and I actually think its a really good idea.  The only problem is we decided that today and after being on hold for an hour, I am pretty sure they are closed today. But hey, I think its a good plan. And if by some miracle I get another job or Payless suddenly can give me 30 hours than great! Ill drop out form classes.
I am kind of excited. Going to MCC would give me college credit and be great college prep.

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