It was a little racy for a Jane Austen movie so I am suspecting they spiced it up a little. It had a cute ending though and I liked the actress and actor for the main love interest
I started Forrest Gump but I haven't finished it. That is today's plan. Instead last night I watched Red 2 with my pop. It was pretty funny. I was pleased. The first one was better I think but this one was pretty dang good.
After that we decided that I had to take meds at 12 so why not stay up and watch another movie to make sure I did? So we watched Pacific Rim and it was SO bad. Oh it was terrible. The casting was weird, the lines were cheesy and stupid, there was a plot but an unimaginative one. I am pretty sure I slept through most of the fighting scenes. IT WAS SO BAD.
Anyway today mom made me get up and shower (something I hadn't done for a while) and get dressed and stuff. I woke up hurting this morning but once the meds kicked in I have been fine. I have progressed into full chipmunk mode and looking in the mirror kinda ruins my mood. So I don''t. I am going to sacrament meeting but I am most definitely sitting in the back. I am quite ready for this wisdom teeth removal thing to be over with.
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