Sunday, December 4, 2011

Into The Woods...

So on Monday of this last week I tryed our for the school musical "Into the Woods" I got really nervous and was shakey and I walked out thinking that it was nothing more than a good audition experience. I didnt get called back, although I was told that didnt nessicarily mean you didnt make it in. I then was just excited to see who made it in becasue I was positive I didnt. Well on Friday I walked into choir and this girl congratulated me. I was a little confused. By then I was informed that I had made it! I am Snow White! and from what I have read I dont really do anything I just exist!! Hahaha so ya its not a lead but hey that is just fine with me! less stress for sure! Anyway I am superduper excited!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You'll make a beautiful Snow White and it will tons of fun I'm sure!
