These are what I am reading right now. The preface is that in 20 mile radius in California, everyone over 15 dissapears. The aminals and teens start mutanting. They fight for survival. Bullys rule. All that good stuff. I dont know if i recommend them. Definatly NOT a kid read. The biggest problem is that its hard for 14 and 15 year old boys and girls that have no supervision and are attracted to each other... like I said NOT a kid read. There is too much conflict. ITs like man vs man, Man vs nature and man vs self. And all three are life thretening. Anyway they are interesting for sure.
This is a blog that spanned from December of my Freshman year of high school to my first few days of college
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Gone Novels
These are what I am reading right now. The preface is that in 20 mile radius in California, everyone over 15 dissapears. The aminals and teens start mutanting. They fight for survival. Bullys rule. All that good stuff. I dont know if i recommend them. Definatly NOT a kid read. The biggest problem is that its hard for 14 and 15 year old boys and girls that have no supervision and are attracted to each other... like I said NOT a kid read. There is too much conflict. ITs like man vs man, Man vs nature and man vs self. And all three are life thretening. Anyway they are interesting for sure.
Friday, December 23, 2011
I Got my Drivers Licence !
Merry Christmas to me!
Now all that's left to do is some major kissing up for a car!
hahaha I am so funny... a car is NOT in my immediate future for sure
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Shleby and I
Ok so we have scary eyes but other than that I think its a really fun picture of us in our matching sweatshirts and guitars!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
ITS RAINING! THIS IS CRAZY! I AM PRETTY SURE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS! This is how it goes down: I live in the freakin desert which means that not only when it rains it tends to rain a lot but it NEVER HAPPENS. So if it rains everyone and their mother freak out! No one knows how to react! Everyone shows up in their cute flats and curls hair and BAM instant misery. I love it. ( not the misery, the rain, though it is kind of funny to talk to the miserable becasue they seem oh so sure that this WAS NOT their fault and that it is so weird that they are so wet!!) I dressed warm (though not very water proof :) and I virtually danced around school becasue I LOVE RAIN. Not even my math test could put me in a bad mood today! Anyway, Its been a soaking wet but absolutly lovely day!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Into The Woods...
So on Monday of this last week I tryed our for the school musical "Into the Woods" I got really nervous and was shakey and I walked out thinking that it was nothing more than a good audition experience. I didnt get called back, although I was told that didnt nessicarily mean you didnt make it in. I then was just excited to see who made it in becasue I was positive I didnt. Well on Friday I walked into choir and this girl congratulated me. I was a little confused. By then I was informed that I had made it! I am Snow White! and from what I have read I dont really do anything I just exist!! Hahaha so ya its not a lead but hey that is just fine with me! less stress for sure! Anyway I am superduper excited!
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