There they are. The books that became a wold wide phenomenon. I finally gave in and read them, (Well most of them. I havent read Breaking Dawn yet) despite all the warnings that they were poorly written, and really not worth it. You want my opinion. WHO IN HEAVENS NAME EVER SAID THESE WERE GREAT BOOKS??!! Who was it? It had to have been someone? Spreading lies..That the whole world seemed to believe! These books are pathetic to put it nicely. But they do have some good parts. I could probably count how many good moments there are on one hand but they do exist. Here are my reasons why I don't like them but have read them anyway:
The Characters
Bella: In the first book she is a wimp (fainting at blood which is extremely ironic, getting motion sick, I mean really? She is so pathetic) In the 2nd book she is pitiful and whiny. I mean come now. NO ONE gets that worked up about a break up. 5 months without talking to anyone?? Firstly it stupid and secondly no one likes a downer and you just get sick of her! In the 3rd book she is a mean little MONSTER....(explanation to come) I really don't like her because she just need someone to love her and she will do whatever it takes to make that happen. She is a needy, manipulative, stomachless, bratty kluts!
Edward: I like Edward WAY more than Bella. His best quality is being so good to her, something she doesn't deserve at all. He is kind but he is WAY over protective and territorial when it comes to her and her safety. He also has recovening from break up problems too whitch is dumb.I really like that when she is trying to seduce him he tells her no. He got lots of good points for that.
Jacob: He is probably my favorite out of the three but I still don't really like him. And I think that Bella and Edward have to be together anyway so that they can be pathetic together. Anyway I like Jacob because he is the most normal out of the three. And he is nice and happy and warm... when he wants to be. He is also kind of a jerk ( even though Bella deserves it) I don't like that he tricked Bella into kissing him.
More Bella: Ok here is the real reason I don't like Bella: Jacob and Edward both love her for reasons unknown to me but they do. She is a monster to both of them! One chapter she is trying to get Edward to do things that are only reserved for marriage and then a few chapters down the road she is making out with Jacob! After she has agreed to marry Edward! She is aweful! I cant stand her. I yelled at her for a solid 3 min last night.
Alice: LOVE HER! She is so funny and good.
Carslie: He is freakin amazing!
Esme: She is so sweet
Roselie: I like her because she doesn't like Bella. We would be friends.
Emmet: He laughs at Bella. We would be friends too.
The Plot
Ok as if having pitiful characters wasn't enough, Stephanie Meyer had to put together a gripping plot that wasn't even that good.
Good points:
The original concept that their are bloodsucking vampires that live among us that have special powers and that Carlise and his family restrain themselves to try and preserve their humanity. Edward, even though he wants to eat Bella, restrains himself. That's all kinda cool.
I like the warewolves and thier floklore and stuff. The imprinting and the one mind thing and the fact that they want to detroy vampires but can restrain themselves enought to work with them, I think is really cool.
I also like Bellas school friends because they are nice to her even when she is an absolute jerk-face.
Bad points:
Bella and Edwards relationship is so unrealistic and sketchy. I am 16 and don't know what love is for myself but I dont think what they have is love. Now I don't know, but it seems a lot like lust to me. Its unrealistic becasue they are completly obessed with each other ( come now that cant be healthy) and sketchy becasue from like week one he has slept in her room even thought they have never done anything and becasue she wants certain things that her is not willing to give to her until they are married (GO EDWARD!) ANd they kiss too much. It gets boring.
I also dont like the love triangle because #1 it created 'Team Jacob' vs 'Team Edward' and becasue they are just painful for the reader.
The Writing/ Writer: Its just bad. The grammer is so bad its funny and her word choise ( The words Dazzle and Chuckle are in there SO much)
I really dont like that she is Mormon. It really bothers me because these are packed with sexual innuendo, violence/ gore and mild profanity.
All in all they are so bad its comical but even then there is some interesting stuff. I havnt read Breaking Dawn yet though so more reveiws to come...
Well, was it all I said and more? Haha you read fast! :D
ReplyDeleteHahaha. I agree with you COMPLETELY, on EVERY point. And yet I read them all as well. One could fairly ask, what is wrong with US??? I think I did like Breaking Dawn the best though - because they were MARRIED, and everything wrapped up nicely - if a little too nicely.