I think that this one was the best and the worst.
The physicalness: NOTE: They are MARRIED whitch makes a HUGE difference but for my taste she descirbed too much detail about the physical intimacy that Bella and Edward had . Just enough to make me uncomfortable. Too much detail and too much in general, i dont really need the details once, let alone having to relive it like 8 times!! I dont like how she has more of a desire than he dose.
The author: Adding on to the previous reason, I DO not like that she is Mormon. I mean come now, this totally dosn't meet the 'Virtuous, Lovly, of good report or praiseworthy' criteria at all. Again they are MARRIED but i dont really want to read about it.
The Gore: There was a little too much blood for my taste; being drunk and covered in and wanting it and everything
The Imprinting: Ew. Jacob and Bellas daughter!? I mean what is this!!?? She is going to be his mother-in-law!!?? UG. Even though it clears up some stuff its still wierd
Alice: I really dont like the parts where you dont know whats going on with her and if she left the Cullens to die.
Rosalie: I dont like how she dosnt care if Bella dies if Renesee lives.
Bella and Renesmee: I love their relationship and how protective and good Bella becomes. She matures real quickly with a baby.
Renesmee: She is so cute and good! I just like her. She must have more Edward than Bella in her
Vampire Bella: Umm she is WAY better as a vampire than when she was a human. Way better. She doesn't have the same need for Jacob and even though there is too much detail, I like her relationship with Edward more too.
I like that the Jacob- Edward- Bella love triangle thing is over. That was annoying.
The biggest thing I liked was the PLOT (other than the sex parts) and this book actually HAD an interesting plot. This one and Eclipse were better in the plot area. They weren't all about Eward-Bella- Jacob.
The Vampire/ Werewolf relationship thing is cool with the different packs and stuff. That was awesome.
The Gathering of all the Vampires and all the different vampires themselves. They are freaking awesome. The Volturi vs Cullens vampire gathering is awesome and so cool. This is when I truly like Bella. SHE HAS A PURPOSE! I was doubting there for a while in New Moon but she is actually cool in this book.
Alice is awesome when she comes back. Emmet is halarious too. He cracks me up. The Wedding was cool too.
I liked them......parts of them. I didnt just love them like with Harry Potter of Hunger Games but I liked most of them. Breaking Dawn was deffinately the best. The movie is going to be so dirty though I can just tell!
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