Today was ok. I would say It was a banana day ( remind me to put my Description of Days: Fruit Ed on here some time). I am totally exhausted cuz I was helping my dad at this house all day. Yesterday was good. I got all my music and homework done and then went to help my dad and then my parents took me to Texas roadhouse (yummmm...) and Old Navy cuz I need some clothes. I bought 3 shirts. Shopping is always a little bit of a strain because its so hard to find completely modest clothes. If its long enough its too tight. If it has a high enough collar, it is too short etc. These ones, it seemed were the ONLY ones in the entire store that seemed to fit the bill.
As you can see I am neither photogenic or that great with a camera
Then we went to Down East Basics for jeans and couldn't find any that would work. Lame. Anyway I am currently reading 3 books at the same time. I just finished The amulet of Samarkand
I love this book. SOOOO funny. Bartimaeus is hilarious. I just started the next book: The Golums Eye
Just FYI: I have read these before. This is a reread spree.
I am also in the process of reading Persuasion which I am half-way through. I needed a bit of light reading :)
For English I am reading To kill a Mockingbird witch I have also already read.
Great books. |
This is my latest project in my room. I heard about this girl that had put pictures of her goals up in her room so she could look at them everyday so I tried it. My dreams include lots of thing; from being married in the temple to going to England to someday having a really cool car :)
i blew it up so you could see it better
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