Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Thoughts from the Dorms

College. Has. Been. So. Fun.
.......and that pretty much sums it up.

But really though, I have been more social and done more fun things in the past week and a half than I did in a month of my senior year. Every night there is something going on. Its kind of exhausting and my more introverted self that emerged senior year is having coping problems but frankly I am not sure if that is such a bad thing. I like people here. Ok I like the guys here. Everyone is willing to go do stuff and at the same time everyone has got their own schedule and universe they are operating inside of. It makes for a healthy balance. I have made a ton of friends and situations like this are terrifying (meeting people, putting yourself out there, taking the chance that you might very well look like a fool if you open your mouth) but at the same time such an overall confidence booster. I think that everyone in high school got tired of each other and appreciated each other less because everyone was around everyday. But here people like me. And miracle of miracles I LIKE THEM. And I meet new people everyday. People check me out all the time and it is so strange and great and weird. Its a cross between sheer terror of ones self and others and pleasant surprise at how that terror is never realized. (That pretty much is how it is everyday for me)

I love love love tennis every morning but I hate hate hate the actual get-out-of-bed-at-7:45 thing. That sounds super lame but when you are up till like 1 every night it gets old really fast. Physical Science is as awful as I predicted so that's nice and Intro to Music has been a little dry.
The world cup is a huge deal to like everyone (not just to me!!!!) and it is ridiculously fun. I have been on two dates (confidence boosters I tell ya) and have only missed my family periodically and communicate with them nearly everyday. Family Home evening was awkward and Sunday dinners at Amy's+ Sunday drives with Max and Allie are so therapeutic. Also Allie works at this greasy diner that plays smashing music and I love terrorizing visiting her.