Tuesday, February 25, 2014



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

This is what happens when I have free time

My.... cork board? Pin board? What do you call these things? You put tacks in the them?
This is on my wall- hence the awkward angle

I'm Back!

I am typing this on my recently returned laptop that has been so graciously fixed by Dell.
Life is going well! I got into BYUI and should hear from BYU any day. (I may or may not check my application status every hour and it is a huge source of stress in my life, but I digress) They have to let me know by the 28th.
I went to the Young the Giant concert with Stacie and IT WAS AMAZING. I got two tshirts ( and no, its not excessive, that is a perfectly good number of tshirts for your favorite band)

I have taken my first tests in my collage classes and Psych is a breeze and Biology is not. I just find psych so fascinating and biology so boring. Its kind of a problem. I have 101.5% in Psych and 70.6% in Biology. Case in point.

I finished The Bell Jar. Disturbing and very interesting. Overall I liked it.

We just started Hamlet in English and I am reading Slaughterhouse Five on my own.

Best part of my evening right now is watching the Olympics with my parents! I seriously enjoy it so much. It makes me miss skiing and want to go very badly. Good thing that Idaho and Utah have the best snow around.

I recently watched Ender's Game

I was disappointed- just read the book, its so much better, the movie leaves out so much.
I also watched Upside Down and my goodness, it was such a terrible movie.