Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hyper After the Elegence


Dancing in the STREET (Not the other footloose version :)

Can you see the wanna-be 80s reference??

Ok we were CRAZY and it was SO Much FUN!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tis Coming

The Pre-Break craziness. Its practically at my doorstep.
AIMS testing on Tuesday and Wednesday
Into the Woods Rehersals on Tuesday and Wenesday
Stake Volleyball and camp meeting on Tuesday
EVMCO choir and Piano lessons on Thurday
Grandparents and Spencer come into town!!! I am soooo stoked!
Shelby's brother is coming home from his mission!! I am finally going to meet him!!! hahaha!
Saturday- Hang out with family and do as little homework as possible
Sunday- Reed is getting blessed= BIG PARTY
Monday- VALERIE and AMY come into town!!
Reed is going to be sealed to us!! I get to go to the temple and watch! And miss school!! Its going to be AMAZING!!
everyone goes home on this day :(
Wednesday, Thurday, Friday: Broadway show rehersals/ Shows!!
Saturday: SPRING BREAK!!! Saved by the Bell and Just dance all day everyday, here I come!!

So that the craziness but I am SOOOO excited for it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Footloose...I'm A Little bit Obesessed

I have watched it 3 times all the way through and then went and watched all my favorite parts over again and agian.

Its my new favorite movie

I even have the poster from Moms party!

Footloose Poster Print, 24x36 Poster Print, 24x36
Tis beautiful

Then I went and bought all the songs that I liked

Footloose (1984 Film)

Footloose- Kenny Loggins
Lets Here it for the Boy- Deniece Williams
Never- Moving Pictures
Almost Paradise- Ann Wilson and Mike Reno
Dancing in the Sheets- Shalamar
I'm Free (Heaven Helps the Man)- Kenny Loggins

If you are looking for me I am probably dancing like a manic to NEVER.

Its my favorite :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Moms 40th Highlights!

Shelby and I totally 80's uped...at walmart. Twas a beautiful thing!

Jonah getting his 80's hair done by the pro

All of us


I absolutly love this picture. Now, I know its of myself but I am telling you it personifys what I was like last night!! I was barefoot running all over the place untill about 11;30 and then I was a Zombie... (THRILLER! haha jk... but seriously) Can you see the blue eyeshadow??

Learning Diso!

This pic cracks me up!! They look so bord!!

AHHHHH!! These are so COOL!!!

Taryn ready to float away!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy post Single Awarness Day (V-day)

Life is crazy
Life is good
Life is early
LIfe is tiring
Life is too freakin hard without shelby
Life is going to be great on monday
Life is good cus its not Great Gatsby which is a great book
Life is going to be totally rad tomarrow
Life is going to be an 80's party tomarro and so

Monday, February 13, 2012

pre- valentines day post

Isn't that freakin cool!! totally impractical but really cool! On Saturday (After working out and mowing the lawn and doing various yard jobs) I went and helped my friend and young woman's leader Kallet do a bunch of stuff for my mama's upcoming birthday party (WHICH I AM SO PUMPED ABOUT) and she dose hair and wanted to try it out! She and her husband ended up telling me how they met and got married and stuff and I was craking up! They had the funniest stories!!
#1 BIG THING I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT: The priviously mentioned suprise birthday party for my mom on friday... will post afterward, cant give too much away!
#2 BIG THING I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT: Reed Sealing !! on March 6th Reed is going to be sealed to my family and I get to go and watch!! both my grandparents and Spencer and Val are coming and I am so excited I am going to pop!


Pretties (The Uglies)Specials (The Uglies)
Extras (Uglies)


Monday, February 6, 2012

French thoughts

I am in the French lab right now, being a rebel. We are reviewing for the test and I get it all so I am bored and the internet wont let me get on my pinterest :/ anyway i am reading Pretties right now and I like it too much, witch means all I want to do is curl up in my bed and read. All. Day. which I cant do because I have to go to school and I cant even stay up late to read because I have my 6:45 class. I am ready for summer. RIGHT. NOW. Anyway time to go!!