One tiny baby in a busy house!
This is a blog that spanned from December of my Freshman year of high school to my first few days of college
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Shelby and I!
We missed the bus. Classic. Running. "WAIT!!". Haha sucker!!
Yup the whole 9 yards
Anyway we walked to the Seminary building to wait for a ride and then her brother picked us up.
Good times
Good times
And no neither one of us is eating the greenery we were just trying to get a picture!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
My Hair- I am kinda on a kick... Have you Noticed?
This is not my hair.
This is our christmas tree we decorted on Friday!!
THIS is my hair!! Isn't that cool? I just curled it differently
From the back
From the front
There I am!
no title..justgowithit
WARNING: This is a sum of my self lectures over the past few weeks and idesided that if I wrote them all out I might feel better.... Point being: You dont have to read this
The last few weeks have been exciting for my family. We adopted a baby boy, Reed Micheal Alexander Castetlon. My mom has been in OR for about two weeks and my dad for about 1. I am so excited to have a new brother and he is a doll so I am happy ever though I feel like I am barly hangin on.
I have been so up to my ears in stress and trying-to-keep-everything-togetherness sense my dad left last Wednesday. Now I will say that now that he is back its a lot easier but the time factor is playing in and I am starting to get tired of being overwlemed. I also have learned lots of things the hard way now that I have had a week with little to know supervision and one week with dad supervision. Procrastinating is dumb. Don't do it. Especially on important school assingments. Go to bed early if you have to wake up early. Dont spend too much time on the internet. Eat healthy. Stupid stuff but guess what! Its extremely true. If I was only in charge of myself it would be esier but I am still playing mom at home. Christmas is creeping up on me and so conserts that I am not prepared for are right around the corner and I feel like I wont be able to breath for another 24 days untill Christmas break.
Now I am going to accomplish all that I can do today and them I am going to go to bed early and wake up early tomarrow and do my hair pretty becasue if I do that then that means the rest of my life is in order. It seems weird but I am serious.
Ok sorry for the pity party. Time to get back to work!
The last few weeks have been exciting for my family. We adopted a baby boy, Reed Micheal Alexander Castetlon. My mom has been in OR for about two weeks and my dad for about 1. I am so excited to have a new brother and he is a doll so I am happy ever though I feel like I am barly hangin on.
I have been so up to my ears in stress and trying-to-keep-everything-togetherness sense my dad left last Wednesday. Now I will say that now that he is back its a lot easier but the time factor is playing in and I am starting to get tired of being overwlemed. I also have learned lots of things the hard way now that I have had a week with little to know supervision and one week with dad supervision. Procrastinating is dumb. Don't do it. Especially on important school assingments. Go to bed early if you have to wake up early. Dont spend too much time on the internet. Eat healthy. Stupid stuff but guess what! Its extremely true. If I was only in charge of myself it would be esier but I am still playing mom at home. Christmas is creeping up on me and so conserts that I am not prepared for are right around the corner and I feel like I wont be able to breath for another 24 days untill Christmas break.
Now I am going to accomplish all that I can do today and them I am going to go to bed early and wake up early tomarrow and do my hair pretty becasue if I do that then that means the rest of my life is in order. It seems weird but I am serious.
Ok sorry for the pity party. Time to get back to work!
The Host Reveiw
I read it and I thought it was great! The plot was interesting, the romance was annoying and the theme was great (not just 'find your true love') It was sci-fi without being to sci-fi and the romance... well I guess I shouldn't say annoying considering that I just read Twilight and those were unbearable. No, this was good and I love how it ends.
The verdict: I recommend it
The other thing I love about it is that there isn't a sequel!! Its just a single book! I am sick of movies that are just prequels and leave you at a total cliffhanger!!! Like Pirates 4!! and Thor!! and Captain America!!
Anyway Its good, read it and now I am looking for a book to read. Any suggestions?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Things I am Thankful for..

My family and Parents. Especially my mom. I have missed her all along but I especailly missed her when my dad came back. I miss sophie too. She is so dang cute and so funny!

My extended family on both sides and all my beloved aunts!

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And of course the newest family member, Reed Micheal Alexander Castleton. This baby is the reason we are having our 1/2 Thanksgiving becasue my mom isn't here. But dont worry, its totally worth it!!
I am so INCREDIBLY greatful for Shelby Hunt who I would have died without this year! She is so amazing and funny and we have so much fun together! Thanks bestie!! ( This is her ditching seminary on wednesday so that she could join me for my lunch hour!)

My extended family on both sides and all my beloved aunts!
My Beautiful Heritage and Mt. Veiw buddies!!
I am also thankful for good music (Clobie Calliet, Christina Perri, Mindy Glehill, Coldplay, Foster the People and Florance + the Machine) and good movies and good books (btw I am reading The Host by stephanie Myer and i like it! review to come...) I am thankful for my bed and for my house and I am thankful for CHRISTMAS and CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!! We have been listening to it all day. I am thankful for my cell phone and camera and iPod and clothes and money.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
these are a BUNCH of my favorite things....
This is what happend. I have a lovely camera. I lost the memory card becasue I am cool like that. I have a lovely phone upon whitch I have lovely pictures. But this lovely phone and my lovely computer dont like to talk to each other and so the outcome of all these events is that I havent put like any pictures on this blog. I found a memory card that you can put like 50 pictures on so I used that and I now have pictures. So ya. thats my thrilling story.
First of all: My hair and inspiration for it today
Goodwill purchases! ( I have more but these are my favorites :)
My $2 American Eagle belt that I wear nearly everyday
My L.A. Idol Jeans
First of all: My hair and inspiration for it today
Isnt that AMAZING!! I did it all by my lonesome! I am exessivly proud of myself I am not going to lie.
I was inspired by all the lovly braid pins on pinterest! ilove Pintrest! Is so cool!
Goodwill purchases! ( I have more but these are my favorites :)
My $2 American Eagle belt that I wear nearly everyday
My latest purchace $2 t-shirt
My $5 Abercrombie and Fitch coat for all those frosty 70 degree weather
My dangley earings! I can wear them now!
My Pocket/ Necklace watch! Its so amazing and it pops open!
My Guitar I love it!
My Favorite jeans. I adore them. They are so comfy and i whear them nearly everyday with my belt!
My Cowboy boots! always! These are my favorite things to wear with them
My Electronics (Phone and iPod)
and shelby too!
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