Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Sooooo it was my birthday yesterday and I turned 16!

These gals, my family and I went out to Texas Roadhouse. Sydney when we sat dow thought that the rolled up napkins on the table were t-shirts so we made fun of her the whole night. After the resterant did 'A Texas sized YEEEE-HAAA!!!!' the waiter brought us out Texas Roadhouse t-shirts from my pappa! It was SO funny.

Kymber, Carily, Sydney, me and shelby

lovely flowers from my grandparents!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Camping over October Break

 Over October Break we went camping up at sycamore creek and went quadding and it was LOTs of fun! I was reading The Conspiracy of Kings while I wasn't 4 wheeling like a maniac and I love that series! (They are passed the pictures :)

Um ya I am cool

I am sweaty and greasy and all together quite gross looking but hey its all part of the experiance!
Our awesome fire!

They are the The Queens Thief Books
The Thief (The Queen's Thief, Book 1)
The Queen of Attolia (The Queen's Thief, Book 2)
The King of Attolia (The Queen's Thief, Book 3)
A Conspiracy of Kings (Thief of Eddis)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Garden!

For my Faith project in Personal Progress I am helping my mama with the garden. Since we live in AZ this (October to December) is the growing season. Today I cleared out the middle section ( it was pretty bad) and then helped till the ground because our tiller is a little more than temperamental. Then we planted peas, boccoli and corn. Only broccoli has suceeded in the past!
Corn Seeds!

This is me all hot and sweaty but pretty dang proud

Yes this is my ankle. If you cant tell there is a large bug bite upon it. Its an ant bite and I think I have a mild allergec reaction becaue at first they itch like crazy and then they swell. I have so far gotten one on my hand, my pinke (I dont have 2 of my knuckles becasue it is so swollen) and my ankle ( Its now the size of a golfball) The joys of being outside with monster ants. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Thunder god, A weekend with Prophets and Bug Bites

So this week has really been pretty good. ONLY 26 MORE DAYS TILL MY BDAY!  I am pretty excited. On Friday we had Seminary Conf and that was good and then that night I babysat and then went to a party with Sydney and her friend Alec and got like 15 mosquito bites and they are GROSS. Then yesterday I watched Conference all day and read one of Sydneys favorite books called  The Legand of Shannondary
It was a chick filck book but it was good. I cant stand the cover though. SHE DOSNT HAVE PORES. I am not bitter or anything. Its all airbrushing anyway. It was cute. Then after conf Sage Owen, my freshman friend Melanie, Shelby and Carliy came over and we went swimming and watched Thor.
 I liked it but Natalie Portman was the girl love interest and she is SUCH a bad actress. It really was quite pitaful. But other than that it was awesome. Oh and he is gorgeous witch helps the overall movie. It was predictable though and after watching the first 5-10 min I guessed the entire movie and I was almost dead on. It was kind of funny. Anyway today I woke up to my 'Its Raining Men' ringtone on my phone. My friend was calling me for help on homework. She was like ' I thought you would be up cuz you go to church' (she is not a member) and I laughed and said I did but not today.  I like conf but I think I dozed off today. I have loved Pres Monson! He has craked me up this whole time! His little expressions make me laugh! Anyway there is only a week untill October Break and I am SO excited.